Monday, September 14, 2009

Now, wasn't that worth it?????

Our long awaited trip to Kiabab plateau finally happened! Thanks to all our kids and their very patient and tolerant spouses we all took that epic journey out to North Timp Point (otherwise known as the west rim). We would all walk down to the point and say goodnight to Mr. Sun. The grandkids had a blast. I think Gabby won the dirtiest kid award and Tasha won the best kid cleaner award. The others were not far behind though. I think we broke our record for flat tires. The last count I had was three: Jesse, Dave, and Doug. Jesse and Dave's happened on gravel road, but Doug's was a blow-out just outside of Cliff Dwellers when we went to pick him up from fishing. I had just turned the driving over to him when it happened. The tire had been low before we left town so we put more air in it and I checked it again before we left camp. We drove all that way on the gravel roads and all the way to Lee's Ferry without a problem, and JABLOW!
All I can say is the good Lord is watching over us. Doug had the tire changed in 20 minutes and we were on our way again. We were all tired when we got home and I was feeling especially punk, but I found out why Sunday morning when I woke up with a sore throat, chills, etc. Thanks Cooper! J/K I'm still trying to figure out this adding pictures stuff and they are ending up all over the place here, so I will just tell you about them here. The twins made a "fort" (another cherished syphus tradition) with the help of the grandkids. They had them parading through camp with logs and sticks for the construction process. The end result was truly inspiring and the kids had a place to play without the mothers worrying about wandering off (mostly). Thanks everyone, for all the wonderful food, company, and entertainment. You guys all make me glad to be a part of this family. I figure that after all the parenting mistakes we may have made, at least we taught you how to camp!

1 comment:

  1. I do feel really proud every time I can show off my tent setup skillz. Thanks mom!

