Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lo! The mighty hunter!

In carrying on with the Syphus family tradition of cutting down our own Christmas tree, we took to the hills the day after Thanksgiving. Along for the ride were Laura and Jesse and Family, Dave and Maddie (Annie had to work :( , Spencer and Taylor and Logan. It was a georgeous day and not too cold. Jesse brought his four-wheelers which made the hunt so much easier. We left the house at 9:00 a.m. and got home by 12:30 p.m. so we still had a whole afternoon to relax! The only downer was Jesse and Cooper took a spill on the four-wheeler, which is Laura's story so ask her.
I still haven't got this adding pictures thing straight, but you can see Logan and Taylor liked it too.
I am anxiously awaiting a call from Phoenix telling me that Shawn is in labor. I know she is way more anxious than I am, but I guess its just a girl thing. I have baby blankets all finished and ready to go. I almost have Christmas presents done to take down. I haven't planned any menus and food for Doug and the twins. Hopefully they won't die of starvation while I'm gone.

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